Recreational Class Information
Monthly Updates
You will receive a monthly update via email, that will have important information for parents/dancers to help you keep current with Dance Arts Centre activities and noteworthy dates. We do all our communications via email so be sure your email address on your account is up-to-date.
Calendar of important dates Click Here
Dance Class Uniform/ Dress Code
Please write your dancer’s name on all shoes and dance bags! Dancers should take their dance bags into the classroom and hang any jackets on the coat hooks in the hallway. *The studio is not responsible for lost or misplaced items
​Buy class attire and shoes here
Classroom Policy
We ask that parents DO NOT come into the classrooms when classes are in session. It is distracting to the other dancers, and we ask that you view class through the viewing windows only.
Please have your dancer come into class with his/her tap shoes on first. Students should wait in the hall until their teacher is present before entering the classroom.
Dancers should bring a water bottle to class for drink breaks during their class time.
Bathroom: Parents of children under 8, please take your child to the restroom prior to class to avoid disruptions.
Missed Classes
We are unable to offer makeup classes for any missed classes. Classes missed for illness, vacations, etc. will not be refunded or prorated.
Cancelled Classes – Inclement Weather/ Unforeseen Circumstances Policy
In the event of inclement weather or circumstances beyond our control and a studio closing is required, we will leave a message on the studio voicemail, send an email, and post this notification on Facebook/Instagram. There are no refunds or makeup classes for studio closing due to weather conditions and/or circumstances beyond our control. ​
Extraordinary Circumstance for Extended Closures
Should Dance Arts Centre face an unplanned closure due to unforeseen circumstances out of our control (flood, tornado, fire, pandemic, etc.), teachers will take advantage of online options such as Zoom and YouTube, etc. to get instruction to our students virtually. In the event of this kind of closure, communication will be sent out immediately and for the first 30 days following closure tuition will stay at 100%, no cancellations and no refunds. After 30 days we will discount classes 15%. If we need to go to long term virtual classes, time may be modified and classes may be shortened by approximately 15 minutes.
Recital Costumes
Listed below are the costs and number of costume(s) your dancer will need for your recital due in November:
Twinkle Tots & Twinkle Toes
1 costume - $85.00
Hippity Hop, Hip Hop Stars, & Boys Hip Hop
1 costume - $90.00
Twinkle Stars, Shining Stars, Shooting Stars & Show Stars
2-in-1 costume - $125.00
Dancers will have the opportunity to participate in our annual recital. Our 2025 recital is scheduled for June 7 & 8, at the Chanhassen High School Auditorium. Our recitals are professionally staged, and your child’s participation is highly recommended. A Recital Package fee will be assessed in February. All information regarding the package will be shared prior.
Tuition/ Class Fees
A Membership fee of $45 is assessed yearly per student.
Classes are offered once per week September- May unless a scheduled holiday
30-minute class: $52 /month $468/year
40-minute class: $66 /month $594/year
50-minute class: $74 /month $666/year
All accounts will be on auto-pay starting September 2024 through May 2025. Tuition and any other fees due (costume fees, recital fees, etc.) will automatically be withdrawn from the credit card on file on the 8th of each month. All account fees due and not paid by the 8th of each month will be charged a $15 late fee. Declined cards are also subject to an additional $15 fee per month.
Withdrawal Policy: We require a 30-day written notice if you need to withdraw from Dance Arts Centre for any reason (loss of interest, school obligations, injury, illness, moving, etc.) during the 2024-2025 season. Please email to receive the withdraw form. The form must be completed to fully withdraw. After the 30-day notice, we will terminate your next monthly installment of your tuition or, if a full year of tuition was paid, we will refund the remaining installments minus 30%.
Please note: costume and recital package fees are non-refundable. If you have a balance due on costume or recital fees, you are responsible for paying these fees in full at the time of withdrawal.
Class/ Individual Pictures
A professional photographer will be at DAC in May, to take pictures of your dancer and their class in full costume(s). These pictures are optional, but they are a great way to have a memory of your year at Dance Arts Centre.
NEW THIS YEAR! : For your convenience, we have an online store for all your dance needs! Please visit to find class shoes, leotards, tights, and more. We have sizers in the studio to help you find the right fit!
At the end of the season, our dancers will receive a medal and certificate of achievement. Trophies will be awarded to dancers who have danced at our studio 5, 10 and 15 years.

2024-2025 Class offerings and times
Ready to sign up?
If you have questions email us: